Image of Amber Da Costa

Amber Da Costa

Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Full-time with Co-op
McMaster University (Honours Bachelor of Arts - Communications Studies)
Finance Intern, Abbott
Class of 2025

I really aligned with the collaborative culture at DeGroote and have found a lot of support and valuable knowledge from the connections I have developed. The program gave me the opportunity to not only acquire essential business acumen but also the foundation for lifelong connections and career growth.

Work Experience during the DeGroote MBA (Co-op or Summer Internship)

  • Communications Intern – Research Institute at St Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton
  • Finance Intern, Abbott

Why DeGroote?

I chose the DeGroote School of Business for my MBA because of the co-op program. Coming straight out of undergrad I knew the co-op aspect would allow me to explore a future career path, make industry connections, and gain valuable work experience. Additionally, coming from a McMaster undergrad I already had a great experience with and enjoy the encouraging environment and lively, diverse culture!

What piece of advice would you give to anyone considering doing their MBA at DeGroote?

Connect with alumni or student ambassadors, so many MBA Alumni and ambassadors come from various backgrounds and are in diverse industries with incredibly valuable insights! I found it helpful to talk to individuals who came from a similar background to me and entering industries I was interested in to find out how I could get the most out of my MBA. Also, talk to the recruitment and admissions managers they help a lot with the pressure you can feel during the application process.

Extra Curricular Involvement at DeGroote MBA

  • DeGroote Innovative Solutions Competition (DISC, Case Competition)
  • Pitching in for Charity (Case Competition)
  • DeGroote MBA Student Ambassador