Hope Harnack

Hope Harnack

Cambridge, Ontario, Canada
Full-time with Co-op
McMaster University (Honours Bachelor of Science, Kinesiology)
Healthcare Consultant, KPMG Canada
Class of 2025

In my last year of undergrad I became exposed to the healthcare administration industry through a placement in patient safety at the McMaster Children's Hospital. I enjoyed the strategic, administration level of healthcare and knew that I wanted to pursue it further in my graduate studies and professional career. The MBA has also made me a more well-rounded student and professional, thanks to the diverse curriculum and rich extracurricular opportunities.

Work Experience during the DeGroote MBA (Co-op or Summer Internship)

  • Project Analyst, Project AMPLIFI – St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton
  • Administrative Resident, Mackenzie Health
  • Healthcare Consultant, KPMG Canada

Why DeGroote?

As a young professional, I appreciated DeGroote’s commitment to providing students with first-hand industry experience through the co-op program. DeGroote’s strong connections in the healthcare sector provided me with the knowledge and network I needed in order to enter the field and be successful.

What piece of advice would you give to anyone considering doing their MBA at DeGroote?

Don’t underestimate yourself if you do not come from a business background. There are many transferable skills that you develop in other industries and academic programs that can be leveraged for success in business. At DeGroote, students come from a variety of academic and professional backgrounds which creates a diverse learning environment and rich collaborative experiences.

Extra Curricular Involvement at DeGroote MBA

  • Teaching Assistant- Marketing
  • Research Assistant
  • Varsity Track & Cross Country
  • DeGroote MBA Student Ambassador
  • DeGroote Leader