Keegan Nhan

Keegan Nhan

Oakville, Ontario, Canada
Full-time with Co-op
McMaster University (Bachelor of Life Science, Master of Science)
Strategy Management Associate, Trillium Health Partners
Class of 2026

Pursuing an MBA was the perfect chance for me to pivot my career while staying in healthcare. It will help me build valuable business skills and ensure that I have diverse opportunities beyond traditional healthcare roles.

Work Experience during the DeGroote MBA (Co-op or Summer Internship)

  • Strategy Management Associate, Trillium Health Partners

Why DeGroote?

DeGroote’s unique co-op program enabled me to explore multiple industries and roles within my degree, providing relevant experience for any field I wanted to pursue.

What piece of advice would you give to anyone considering doing their MBA at DeGroote?

Stay open-minded and flexible, as your interests can change quickly. Talking with a variety of people at DeGroote will broaden your horizons and help you get the most our of your MBA.

Extra Curricular Involvement at DeGroote MBA

  • DeGroote Student Ambassador
  • DeGroote Interprofessional Health Leadership Conference Programming Executive