Image Yash Kapta Scaled

Yash Kapta

Jamnagar, Gujarat, India
Dharmsinh Desai University (Bachelor of Technology)
Class of 2024

I had always been very ambitious about my career. At a very young age I decided that I wanted to work in leadership roles in business, and MBA (if done right) is the ticket to some of the most coveted roles out there. It provides a very holistic perspective about any condition, which is truly the craft on a person learning and executing more than just one aspect of business. So here I am, working on that craft!

Work Experience during the DeGroote MBA (Co-op or Summer Internship)

  • Transformation Project Coordinator – Liberty

Why DeGroote?

DeGroote provides an excellent return on investment in terms of the cost of an MBA, job opportunities due to proximity to GTA, and a vast alumni network. The biggest of the employers in Canada have McMaster alumni in leadership positions which aligns with where I want to be in my career. These are important drivers for me which set DeGroote apart from other business schools.

What piece of advice would you give to anyone considering doing their MBA at DeGroote?

Be curious! I genuinely find curious students excelling in their careers. Particularly because an MBA at DeGroote provides them with a plethora of learning opportunities in terms of workshops, bootcamps, and alumni meetings. As they say, curiosity is the master key that unlocks doors to many successes!

Extra Curricular Involvement at DeGroote MBA

  • Pitching in for Charity