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Megan Haley

Burlington, Ontario, Canada
Full-time with Co-op
Dalhousie University (Bachelor of Science, Environmental Science)
Wealth Management Marketing Intern, Scotiabank
Class of 2025

Graduating during the pandemic meant starting my career in a different world with shifting values. I knew pursuing the MBA was the right opportunity to combine a passion for sustainable organizations with the business knowledge needed to support effective change.

Work Experience during the DeGroote MBA (Co-op or Summer Internship)

  • Associate Marketing Specialist – FedEx Express Canada
  • Wealth Management Marketing Intern- Scotiabank

Why DeGroote?

The DeGroote community stood out from my very first recruiting event. Previous students have always shared the value that DeGroote’s collaborative culture, engaging classes, and unique co-op structure have had on their professional development. These connections, along with DeGroote’s industry partnerships made the program my top choice.

What piece of advice would you give to anyone considering doing their MBA at DeGroote?

If there is one thing you will hear across MBA students, it is to get involved! The DeGroote MBA offers an incredible range of opportunities for the development of both technical and soft skills, so be sure to leverage those that fit your goals and expand your experience.

Extra Curricular Involvement at DeGroote MBA

  • Human Capital Association President